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Gold Spread of Williams

In his book «The secrets of trade on the futures ryke, act together with the insiders» Larry Williams gives a description of the indicator «Spread Williams», to monitor the relationship of gold and the dollar index. Here is what he writes about this:

«It seems that everything looks like this: Gold may rise faster than the U.S. dollar only until it starts to fall. This relationship is difficult to see, considering the graphics, but not difficult to find when you look at the relationship between the spread of these markets. To detect the relationship, which I like to watch, you need to take a one-week spread between the two markets, then build a three-week moving average and a 21-week moving average of that spread. To see the pendulum oscillations of the spread, I continue to deduct the three-week moving average of the 21-week moving average. Divide the result by 100 gives us a uniformly distributed factor, so when a suitable scale can be seen any time. Doing these calculations, I have noticed that when the ratio passes through the region, ie when relevant to the three 21-week spread over 30%, the gold market soon discovered recession. In other words, the gold may be perekuplennym in relation to the dollar, and at this point in time, large sums of money professionals entering the market to take advantage of these imbalances through the sale of gold ».

: From the above, you can get the formula for calculating this inidcator:

(SMA 21 (IndexDollar-Gold) - SMA 3 (IndexDollar-Gold)) / 100


  • SMA 21 - 21-periodically simple moving average
  • SMA 3 - three-week simple moving average
  • IndexDollar - index of the dollar
  • Gold - Gold


1.Vyberete weekly schedule of gold.

2. Join the indicator to the schedule.

3. Give the input parameter "symbol_name" title graphics dollar index (the default name for the index is equal to the value of the dollar "DX_CONT", but every broker uses his name tool). If the current value of indicator more than 0.3 (30%), then wait for the imminent reduction in the value of gold (metal overbought). If the indicator below -0.3 (-30%), then wait for the imminent price increase (metal resold).

IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a long-term indicator, it is best to use it for a week taymfreymah. His task to point to the future movement last 6 months or more.

Forex Indicators

Download forex - indicator Golden Spread Williams

Indicator 0-0-TANGO

This Forex - indicator uses divergence and convergence between the indicator of RSI (using closing prices) and the closing pricePerhaps you will find there the similarity with all known ASC_Trend, but they are not much similar. Open this forex indicator as follows: first searched divergence or convergence between the RSI and the price of the closure, then, if any, then find the maximum (MAX) and minimum (MIN) value of RSI (search is made to the point of divergence or convergence), if the current value

RSI> = MAX-((MAX-MIN) / 100) * POROG,

, then up-arrow,

if RSI <= MIN + ((MAX-MIN) / 100) * POROG,

the cursor is drawn down, and if

RSI> MIN + ((MAX-MIN) / 100) * POROG and RSI <>

then draw a blank box.

Индикаторы форекс
Download forex indicator 0-0-TANGO


Indicator RFractals

Forex Indicators

Fractals with the possibility of job rank

Settings: int range_fractal = 5 / / rank fractal (odd number not less than 3)

Download forex indicator


Indicator ZigZag on Parabolic SAR

Author: Svinozavr

In this implementation forex indicator zigzag as the threshold of sensitivity is used Parabolic.

In a typical zigzag definition extrema occur when the price of care extremum for some threshold, usually set in points or%% price extremum.

Here, in contrast to the usual zigzag, with a fixed threshold, the threshold is dynamic. Complete analogy with the method set stoploss - and the fixed trailing.

Other features:

- Work at zero bar. Most implementations use only fully formed bars. Here, after crossing the threshold price (the coup Paraboliс), the indicator is not waiting for the next bar to otrisovat extreme.

- The implementation of zigzag, where the opposite extremes can be identified at a bar (the vertical segment), there are problems with the priority of these extremes. Normally, priority is set based on the market inertia that is not always the case. In this zigzag this is not a problem - all clearly defined Parabolikoс. Another point is how the case is included in MT4 Parabolik.))) But this is not me - the "birthright" of extremes, I shifted to it. And he seems to cope ...

- The code for the revaluation of history, and missed the penultimate bar uses is not an option IndicatorCounted (), and replacing its construction. The logic of its work, in principle, similar to IndicatorCounted (), but more clear.

 static int  BarsPrev ; // значение Bars на пред.баре static int BarsPrev; / / Bars on the importance pred.bare
bool MissBars = Bars - BarsPrev > 1 ; // 1 - есть пропущенные бары bool MissBars = Bars - BarsPrev> 1 / / 1 - is the missing bars
if ( MissBars & & BarsPrev ! = 0 ) BarsPrev = 0 ; // проущенные бары в процессе - пересчет заново if (MissBars & & BarsPrev! = 0) BarsPrev = 0; / / prouschennye bars in the process - re-recount

int limit = Bars - BarsPrev - ( BarsPrev = = 0 ) ; // кол-во пересчетов int limit = Bars - BarsPrev - (BarsPrev = = 0) / / number of recalculations
BarsPrev = Bars ; // обновление BarsPrev BarsPrev = Bars; / / update BarsPrev

for ( int i = limit ; i > = 0 ; i - - ) // цикл по непосчитанным и предпоследнему барам for (int i = limit; i> = 0; i - -) / / cycle neposchitannym and penultimate bars
{ (

Параметры форекс -индикатора (первые два) идентичны параметрам Параболика стандартной поставки MT4. Options forex indicator (first two) are identical to the standard delivery options Parabolika MT4.

Added features:

- ExtremumsShift - defines the position of extrema on the time axis: the time of their identification (false) or at the actual state (true).

- History - well, it is understandable. However, the indicator is considered very fast, so this option can be removed altogether. Like the previous - is rather an illustration of a way of catching extrema than something useful. Although ... Either way, remove the ads from these variables extern always.

ExtremumsShift = true Extremes at their actual locations

Forex Indicators

ExtremumsShift = false Extremes for the time of their definition

Forex Indicators

Download forex - indicator ZigZag on Parabolic SAR


Three-dimensional Stochastics

This forex-indicator displays the behavior of classical Stochastics in the three-dimensional diagram of the main graphics window shopping tool. Line otbrazhayutsya Stochastics with gradually increasing periods of% K,% D, and so forth. по желанию пользователя. on the user's request. The result is a three-dimensional image of stochastic fans. In this version of the indicator may display modes:

- Direction of the stochastic curve;
- Its absolute value;
- Its rate of growth or decline.
Coordinate the "X" on the diagram - in a commercial graphics tool;
Coordinate "Y" in the diagram - top-down sequential display Stochastics with different parameters;
Coordinates "Z" shown in different colors depending on the situation and the status of Stochastics in this temporary location

ID indicator is structured and commented. It is not difficult to replace the call to self-classical stochastic function of any other indicator, or combinations of them.

Advantages fan of graphic representations of the elementary oscillators are the high visibility of the market, the search for fundamental-frequency oscillations of financial instrument, an analysis of divergence in a wide range, etc.

The disadvantages of implementing this type of indicators is a way to include the withdrawal of the images - objects of type Rectangle, which may seriously burden the processor during operation, even though that code is fully optimized within the framework of opportunities mql. Although, of course, marked the onset of the load when the number of bars analyzed history> 500-1000.

This indicator is written in order to study the frequency of market cycles and the construction of an expert on it, which would dynamically adjust to the major market sentiment.

Forex Indicators

Forex Indicators

Forex Indicators
Download tridimensional Stochastics


Indicator breakdown morning Flat

This Forex - the indicator was based on the theme of breakdown Flat morning. Shows the levels of Flat morning and shows the possible targets.


StartHour - the start of the morning hour Flat

EndHour - the end of the morning hour Flat

TargetLevel - the level of the Fibonacci grid, taken from the width of the channel morning Flat

UpColor - the color of the price tags the upper border of the channel

DnColor - the color of the price tag lower limit of channel

TargetUpColor - the color of the price tag top goal

TargetDnColor - the color of the price tag lower goal

Colors of lines changed in the "Colors".

Forex Indicators

Download forex indicator breakdown morning Flat


Forex indicator, based on neural network learning




Two Forex - using indicator neuron direct distribution network (feedforward neaural network), which is learning by back propagation of errors (backpropagation). The network is loaded through a DLL file, C + + source code which is attached.

Neuron network is nothing more than a nonlinear model outputs as a function of inputs. At the entrances served user data, such as the sample time series. The meaning of the output is also set by the user, for example, signals 1 = buy / 0 = sell. The structure of the network, again set by the user. The network consists of a direct distribution

- The input layer (input layer), whose elements are inputs,

Hidden layers (hidden layers), consisting of computational nodes called neurons and

The output layer (output layer), which consists of one or more neurons, yields are yields across the network.

All nodes of neighboring layers are linked. These connections are called synapses. Each synapse has a weight (weight w [i, j, k]), which are multiplied by the data transmitted by synapses. Data moves from left to right is inputs from the network to its outputs. Hence the name "direct distribution network." The total sample of this network is depicted in the picture below

The data are processed neurons in two steps:

1. 1. All of the inputs multiplied by the appropriate weight, you are added

2. 2. Then, the resulting amount handled activation function neuron (activation or firing function) and (activation or firing function) and sent to the only exit.

The meaning of the activation function нейрон neuron as is the modeling work neuron and the brain: neuron is triggered only after the information has reached a certain threshold. In the mathematical aspects, it just gives the nonlinearity network. Without it, neuron net loss would be a linear autoregressive model (linear prediction model). The most common activation function neuron is a sigmoid function

f(x)=1/(1+exp(-x)) f (x) = 1 / (1 + exp (-x))

Forex Indicators

The threshold of activation of this function is 0. This threshold can be shifted on the horizontal axis at the expense of an additional entrance neuron (bias input), and called the input bias (bias input), which is assigned a certain weight in the same way as other inputs neuron.

Thus, the number of inputs, layers, neurons in each layer and the weights of inputs neurons entire neuron network, ie nonlinear model, which it creates. To use this model, you need to know the weight. The weights are calculated by training the network on past data, ie with any previous input data were known values of the output signal. The weights of the network are optimized to match its output with the test solution. Typically, inputs to the network filed several sets of input and corresponding output data and calculated mean error deviation of output from the network testing. The training network is to reduce this problem by optimizing the weights. There are several optimization methods, among which the main way back propagation of errors (ALO) and the method of genetic improvement.

Attached files:

BPNN.dll - Library file - archive all the files needed to create a DLL file

BPNN Predictor.mq4 - predictive indicator of future value prices

Buy-Sell Classificator.mq4 - predictive indicator buy / sell signals.

Train() и Test(). Library BPNN.cpp file contains two functions: Train () and Test (). Train () is designed to train the network to provide input and output data. Test () is for calculating output data based on the weights obtained after running Train ().

ВInput (green color) and output (blue) parameters of the function Train () are:

double inpTrain [] - input (older first)
double outTarget [] - Imprint (oldest first)
double outTrain [] - exits the network after training
int ntr - the number of training sets of input-output
int UEW - Managing key external values to initialize the weights (1 = use extInitWt [], 0 = use random numbers)
extInitWt [] - original values of weights
double trainedWt [] - the values of weights after training
int numLayers - number of layers in the network including input, hidden and output
int lSz [] - array size numLayers, which kept the number of neurons in each layer. lSz[0] задаёт количество входов сети lSz [0] specifies the number of network inputs
int OAF - a key feature in the activation of output neurons (1 = function enabled, 0 = no)
double LR - speed training
double MF - the moment of learning rate
int nep - the maximum number of training steps (epochs). Epoch consists of checking all the training sets.
double maxMSE - mean error, in which the learning stops.

Input (green) and output (blue) parameters of the function Test () are:

double inpTest [] - input data (older first)
double outTest [] - Imprint
int ntt - sets of input and output data
double extInitWt [] - original values of weights
numLayers - number of layers in the network including input, hidden and output
int lSz [] - array size numLayers, which kept the number of / neurons in each layer. l/ lSz [0] specifies the number of network inputs int OAF - a key feature in the activation of output neurons (1 = function enabled, 0 = no)

Using the activation of output neurons depends on the nature of the output. If the output signals of the network are binomial (0 / 1), then you must use the activation function (OAF = 1). If the output is a prediction of price, the activation function in output layer is not required (OAF = 0).

Examples of indicators used neuron Network:

BPNN Predictor.mq4 - predicting future prices. Network input parameters are the relative increments in prices:

x [i] = Open [test_bar] / Open [test_bar + delay [i]] -1.0

where delay [i] taken from the Fibonacci series. Network output is predicted a relative increase of future prices. Activation function in output layer is deactivated.

Input parameters are an indicator

extern int lastBar - number of the last bar
extern int futBars - the number of future predicted bars
extern int numLayers - number of layers in the network including input, hidden and output
extern int numInputs - the number of network inputs
extern int numNeurons1 - the number of neurons in a layer number 1
extern int numNeurons2 - the number of neurons in the layer number 2
extern int numNeurons3
extern int numNeurons4
extern int numNeurons5
extern int ntr - the number of training sets of input-output
extern double LR - the speed of learning network
extern double MF - coefficient of the time learning network
extern int nep - the maximum number of training steps (epochs)

extern int maxMSEpwr - exponent used to calculate the maximum allowable mean-square error learning maxMSE = 10 ^ maxMSEpwr

Buy-Sell Classificator.mq4 - индикатор предсказывающий buy/sell сигналы. Buy-Sell Classificator.mq4 - predictive indicator buy / sell signals. As in the previous example, the input network served

x[i]=Open[test_bar]/Open[test_bar+delay[i]]-1.0 x [i] = Open [test_bar] / Open [test_bar + delay [i]] -1.0

for bars, which in the past received signal to buy or sell. These last signals are ideal as input signals to obtain a given profit. Network output signal is 1 or 0 = buy = sell. The output layer activation function.

extern int lastBar - number of the last bar
extern int minProfit - the minimum profit in order to find the ideal entry point in the past
extern double threshold - the threshold for recognizing the output signals as 0 or 1
extern int numLayers - number of layers in the network including input, hidden and output
extern int numInput - the number of network inputs

extern int numNeurons1 - the number of neurons in a layer number 1
extern int numNeurons2 - the number of neurons in the layer number 2
extern int numNeurons3 extern int numNeurons3
extern int numNeurons4 extern int numNeurons4
extern int numNeurons5
extern int ntr - the number of training sets of input-output (depends on the number of buy / sell signals in the past, 0 selects all valid signals)
extern double LR - the speed of learning network
extern double MF - coefficient of the time learning network
extern int nep - the maximum number of training steps (epochs)
extern int maxMSEpwr - exponent used to calculate the maximum allowable mean-square error learning maxMSE = 10 ^ maxMSEpwr

Arrow to the right of the vertical green lines indicate buy / sell signals generated by the network for testing "the future" bars. The arrows on the left shows the optimal entry point in the past.

Installation of files:

Copy attached DLL file in the C: \ Program Files \ MetaTrader 4 \ experts \ libraries

Enables the use of DLL in metatrader: Tools - Options - Expert Advisors - Allow DLL imports

If the DLL file does not work, compile yourself. All necessary files are contained in


Indicator VWMA

The idea of this forex indicator is to give the bar with a large volume of great weight.

For Period_MA bars added volume, then the volume of each of these bars to share in the amount - this is the weight of each bar.

The ultimate formula ΣPrice * Weight;

Forex Indicators

Download forex indicator VWMA

Indicator w35260

I think many of you more or less experienced forex-indicator Slope_Direction_Line, is not a bad forex indicator, but the main drawback is its property redraws its previous value. . This problem is solved quite simply: the writing (if it can be called) type of indicator MACD only instead of using the MA evidence Slope_Direction_Line. (according to the author)

The indicator is behaving rather unusually, but the shows enough good signals when changing direction or when crossing the zero line.



Instructions: To work w35260 indicator Slope_Direction_Line have to be located in the folder .... \ MetaTrader4 \ experts \ indicators \, in principle, as well as himself w35260)).

Download forex indicator w35260
Download forex indicator Slope_Direction_Line

Multi Forex - indicator

This Forex indicator can display in a separate window to five different tools to support charts Heiken Ashi, MA

Forex Indicators

Download multi Forex - indicator

Multi Forex - indicator

This Forex indicator can display in a separate window to five different tools to support charts Heiken Ashi, MA

Forex Indicators

Download multi Forex - indicator


Indicator Cronex T Taichi GF

Indicator Cronex T Taichi GF

Modification Forex - indicator Cronex Taichi.


added two buffer for the color identification of areas of average cloud:

  • DDarkOrange - lowering of the current cloud
  • DeepSkyBlue - raising the current cloud
  • Blue - SpanA and SpanB equal

For compatibility with previous version numbers do not override a buffer.

For accounts with a 5 mark FlatSE multiply by 10.

Forex Indicators

Download forex indicator Cronex T Taichi GF