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Sigmoid - this is a smooth monotonic nonlinear S-shaped function, which is often used to "smooth" the values of some variables.

Frequently under realize sigmoid logistic curve

\ sigma (x) = \ frac (1) (1 + e ^ (-x))

Sigmoid is used in neural networks in order to introduce some nonlinearity in the network, but not too much to change the outcome of its work.

One of the reasons why the use of sigmoid neural networks, a simple expression of its derivative, through the very function (which will significantly reduce computational complexity of the method of back propagation of errors, making it applicable in practice):

\ sigma '(x) = \ sigma (x) \ cdot (1 - \ sigma (x))
It is equally important reason for the introduction of nonlinearity is mathematically proven to obtain an arbitrarily accurate approximation of any continuous function of several variables using the operations of addition and multiplication by numbers, superposition of functions, linear functions and one arbitrary continuous nonlinear functions of one variable

Forex indicators

This forex-indicator displays sigmoid price.

Start and end point set the width of sigmoid, and the error rate sets a sigmoid curvature.

Use the point of construction and after the advent of a new teak indicator construction updates sigmoid.

Download forex indicator sigmoid

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