Technical analysis course currency pairs is performed by means of basic statistics. Along with the main statistical indicators used means of controlling volatility, labeling and notification means sending a message to the email address. Tracking the market situation is performed by means of analysis of other currency pairs, the movement of prices on their arithmetic mean value. The length of the initial sample is selected by the user in the menu "Display Setting" and set the exact date and time, with the advent of the new price quotes length of the sample increases. If you choose a period of «Bar» the length of the sample remains unchanged. Frequency of calculation established in ticks, where each tick is received for the new price, above which the counter is reset, retaining the calculated parameters in the file: C: \ Program Files \ - Terminal - \ experts \ files \ File Statistica.csv, and send mail. If the condition and the volatility «Bar» exceeds the permitted limits, labeling, bar and sending a notification email.
To use the indicator to copy Marketvision.mq4 in the directory C: \ Program Files \ - Terminal - \ experts \ indicators \ Marketvision.mq4
Menu, set the indicator:
- ExBar=60; The number of bars, shapes sample.
- ExTime="2009.09.14 00:00"; Sampling time, if ExBar = 0.
- ExTic=1200; Time recalculation of statistics, in ticks.
- ExPoint=6; Tag valatilnosti in points.
- ExSanction=false; To send e-mails need to be registered, to make registration data (program settings, mail) and switch to true.
- Trac []={" EURUSD "," AUDCAD "," AUDCHF "," AUDJPY "," AUDUSD "," CADCHF "," GOLD ");
Watched currency pairs, can be added ...
- For rapid response and monitoring the market situation, vyberay small timeframe M1, the so-ka message about market volatility is formed with the advent of a new bar.
- If you want to get statistics on e-mail address get a recalculation Bole long time (1 minute ~ 50 Tic, ExTic = 500), that message could not be taken as spam and blocked by the server.
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