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Indicator DigitalFilterTF


Дмитрий Яковлев Dmitry Yakovlev

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Library DF.dll to calculate the parameters of the filter:
copyright "Copyright (c) 2005, Sergey Iljukhin, Novosibirsk"


Universal digital filter, the filter parameters are set. (FATL,SATL,RFTL,RSTL и т д) (FATL, SATL, RFTL, RSTL etc.)
Sense - for example, 5,15,30 a moment,e you will see one picture calculated for TF

Library DF.dll placed in \ * trader \ experts \ libraries \

Attention! To require three additional DLL
containing a block of mathematical processing - bdsp.dll, lapack.dll, mkl_support.dll,
which must be installed in C: \ Windows \ System32 \ or near DF.dll in \ experts \ libraries \

Before using, make sure:

1. 1. items that you "Allow DLL import" and "Confirm DLL function's call" in your Options-> Expert Advisors
2. 2. What's in the directory C: \ Windows \ System32 \ there Bdsp.dll, lapack.dll, mkl_support.dll - supporting mathematics library.
The archive DLLS.ZIP

Parameters (Dmitry Yakovlev):

tf - timeframe in minutes ... 240 = H4, 60 = H1 240 = H4, 60 = H1
Price 0-cl ,1-op ,2-hi ,3-lo
Preset 0-User ,1-FATL ,2-SATL ,3-RFTL ,4-RSTL

Description of input parameters for DF.dll (Sergey Iljukhin, Novosibirsk):

Ftype - Filter Type: 0 - LPF (FATL / SATL / KGLP), 1 - HPF (KGHP),
2 - band (RBCI / KGBP), 3 - regectory (KGBS)
P1 - Period cutoff P1, bar
D1 - Period cutoff transition D1, bar
A1 - Attenuation in the late A1, dB
P2 - Period cutoff P2, bar
D2 - Period cutoff transition D2, bar
A2 - Attenuation in the late À2 dB
Ripple - beats in bandwidth, dB
Delay - Delay, bar

For the LPF and HPF settings P2, D2, A2 ignored
LPF: P1> D1
Band and regectory: D2> P2> P1> D1

2 filter FATL, SATL tf = 60 TF= 5 minutes

Forex Indicator

2 filter FATL, SATL tf = 60 TF=15 minutes

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Download forex indicator DigitalFilterTF

Dll Archive Library Download

Download DF.dll

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